Monday, December 1, 2014

Views of the U.S. from Europe and Asia


In what ways did the counterculture shape the 1960s and 1970s?

“Counterculture- youth movement led by hippies; promoted drugs and a lack of social restrictions”. ” Boyer, 717". The majority of students used marijuana and minority used mind altering drugs which called LSD. For students who used marijuana consist into two type, the first type consider as a killer and other type thins of marijuana as kind of relaxation. Hippie style was by wearing surplus military clothing, and dyed T-shirts. Also, for the young men sported shaggy beards and long hair.
Musical revolution also noticeable in 1960s which youth was looking to something new like “authentic” as alternative. They tried to express their felling by the songs and they had many subjects such as culture’s drugs, sex, and radicalism. In 1969 there were a big event called “Woodstock Festival” which four hundred thousand came to it. It was not just for music but they were celebrating for the freedom and it shared drugs and sexual partners. After that, festival became a good business since the economy decreased in that period.
The sexual revolution was also in that ear too which they believed since” it good, do it”. Many women in that era were taking pill to avoid pregnancy. Then they established “Roe vs Wade” which give the women right to abortion. Also, it was the start of the gay liberation in the public since they have the equality between the genders. Furthermore, the court threw some of restricting “sexually explicit” which let some magazine include more explicit erotica. Not just magazine but some movies added some scenes of explicit sex.


What were the major successes and failures of the civil-rights movement from 1961 to 1968?

During that time television brought some African-Americans video or pictures that shows black were struggles for racial equality. The violent of black was noticeable in southern states such as Alabama.  It led Kennedy to take an action after some pictures which he submit a comprehensive civil right bill to Congress.  After that, the president went to the television to define civil right and he states that race has no place in American life or law.” ” Boyer, 691". In that time established “Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act”. Civil rights act was focusing on school segregation and equal opportunity on jobs. So, it was good step that engage law with civil rights to be stronger and no one can break it. Furthermore, it was not just for black, they added religion, national origin and gender in the rights. The main aim of that is people are equal no matter what your religion or your color. Voting rights was for ensure that blacks can vote and protect them especially in states that don’t believe of the equality. As the result of that political power in the South held by whites are no longer of just them. Black Power was militant movement for black autonomy and self-respect. It gave them power to express themselves more since they were silent all that years. It had a good impact on African-American which led them to create groups and studies programs to encourage them to study. The only problem that African- Americans faced was the poverty. 


What innovative strategies were developed by the civil rights movement in this era?
After the war African-Americans got more equality and freedom which they had the right to vote and work (FEPC).  After whites killed several black veterans in 1946 for daring to vote, it established President’s committee Civil Rights. Its main job to avoid the segregation between white and black and to ensure that both of them have full right’s citizen. It let the president to issued executive orders barring discrimination in federal employment and ensuring the equality.  As result, the Supreme Court declared segregation such as in transportation, sales or rental of property which was the beginning. After that, they declared the segregation in schools but not in all the states. It Border States were the first African-American and white students sat side by side. However, in some states were rejected the idea of joining black and white such as Arkansas. Some of white students blocked blacks to enter to the school and the chance of accepting black was low.  Rosa Parks was a good example of the movement when she refused to get up and let white man sit on her seat. Also, Martin Luther King touch black people by his speech and companied by freedom value and Bible quotes. His idea was focusing that every black deserve to a have right like white people. Also, he was against the violence. He encourage them to convert their anger to a good way which let other people believed they deserve full rights. So, African-American considered Martin as leader on that time which he was their voice in society.


What caused the Great Depression, how did President Hoover respond?
In 1929 the Wall Street crashed and launched a depression that hit every household. The market was stable and there was hug money on it until October 24, 1929 which called “Black Thursday” when the collapse came on.  As result of this collapse, it caused the depression on Americans at that time especially to stockholders. They felt that American economy is unstable after all these of successful achievements in industrial market starting with appliances until building cars. Moreover, they claim that agriculture has been forgotten since demand increased on industrial market. We notice that when all farmers tend to work in factories in order to survive even they got less wage.  However, automobile and textile were overextended but unfortunately couldn't help to recovery to what happened. US depression influenced global economic as well such as Europe. This crisis impacted on US in bad way which many back is closed and unemployment rate increased. Many Americans were struggle to find a job which let many of them to leave to other cities.  

President Hoover suggested that city and state to find a way to solve this problem by creating public works projects. Also, “he set up and Emergency Committee for Employment to coordinate voluntary relief efforts”. ” Boyer, 581". Also, he asked nation’s largest bank to create private lending agency to help some bank to recovery. Moreover, he asked to increase tax which was hard pressed Americans since they were suffering from this crisis. Finally, he set up what called “Reconstruction Finance Corporations” which its main aim to provide funds to banks and insurance companies. Many of Americans were not agree with Hoover strategies of solving or dealing with crisis. 


What economic innovations came in the 1920s, and what was their effect on different social groups?
In 1920s there was “Booming Business” in Americans life which helped to change their life style.  New goods entered to the market including electrical products which 60 of Americans used these product such as vacuum, refrigerators. Also, the automobile was one of the boom which noticeable on that time and it was the start of Ford and General Motors. Moreover, business boom became globally as well which many companies tend to build production faculties abroad US. This boom helped US economy but farmers had a hard time during this era because people moved from the agriculture to build these products. The wage was unequally between all the workers, it was depend on the place where they working in.

Women got her share in the new economic era which many of them worked outside the home. Most women workers held low paying and in unskilled positons. However, women were working in offices as secretaries or typists. As result, may women tend to go to school in order to get a good positions and I thinking it was a good pushing to them. Women also were courted as consumers which they women as kind of encouraging people to buy. ”women smiled behind the steering wheel.” ” Boyer, 556”. This boom business helped US which increased their economy by offering many jobs in industrial market and gives women an opportunity to involve more in workplace. But farmers had to leave their jobs because it was a hug demand on industrial market. 


How did progressives try to control morality, and how did they view immigrants and blacks?

On that time there were some discrimination to some kind of people such as African-Americans, middle class women and wage workers. A good example of African- American was Ida Wells-Barnett who was journalist and activist. She was trying to fight discrimination to black people but a white mob destroyed her office.  Then they tried to battling racism which they established a conference at Niagara Falls. This conference was a good idea which let all black people to meet and discuss their right. As a result of this movement they established National association for advancement of colored. Its job was to achieve political equality for backs and full integration into American life.
Women on 1910 were able to vote but in western states only such as Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, and Idaho. In other states such California has its limits which was excluded to some type of women so it isn't allowing to all women to vote. Then, Carrie Chapman Catt who adopted women’s movement in early twentieth century. She was trying to deliver the message into the media by some pictures and articles on newspaper. Also, “In Women and Economics (1898) and other works, feminist intellectual Charlotte Perkins Gilman explored the historical and cultural roots of females subordination” ” Boyer, 512”. So, the women involved more in community such as workplace. The equality between women and men has been increased more in this era. Moreover, the birth-control and sex education movement stand as important legacies of progressivism.


How did social and religious reformers address urban poverty?

First, battling poverty which some of city leaders believed that some immigrants were facing problem of adapting and suffering in a new life. They claimed that to low wage and dangerous working conditions. As a result of that, they were focusing how to find a solution of these people and their families. In 1843 Robert founded the New York association which its job to help and support poor families either by job or food in order to survive. After that, they founded the New York Children’s Aid Society which their job was to look at children and send them back to their families to work as farm hands.
Secondly, some church established “salvation Army” which their job was to provide food, shelter, and temporary employment for families.  Also, army were not just providing food but they teach them some skills and easy jobs which might help them to find jobs. Moreover, ” friendly visitors who were trained, salaried women, into the tenements to counsel families on how to improve their lives” ”Boyer ,402”.  So, these organizations helped the whole society starting from poor people until teaching women how to be a good part of her family.
Finally, the settlement house movement which its purpose to help the poor neighborhood. It established by some women volunteers and some students were involved too. Their job to let people who live in these area believed they are not alone. Women usually came from middle class to provide service such as providing them some advice on how to deal and have a good life. I think, this movement encourage people to help each other and become as one part which can’t be separated. Both religious and social had a good influence on that time to help poor people.    

CH.12 group discussion

How did the rise of cotton cultivation affect the south?
-          Nat Turner (leader of largest slave rebellion in US).
-          Old South into the Upper South and Lower (Deep) South.
-          Tobacco was primary cash crop.
-          Cotton Kingdom.
-          South (warm climate, wet springs and summers) helped increasing cultivating cotton.
-          Slavery and cotton cultivation grew together in the South.
-          Cotton helped the economy in the South.
What major social divisions segmented the white South?
-          Geography and economics
-          Planter, the small slaveholders, the Yeomen, the people of the Pine Barrens.
How did slavery affect social relations in the South?
-          Conflict and consensus in the White South.
-          Conflict over slavery.
-          Proslavery argument.
What were the distinctive features of African- American society and culture in the South?
-          The language(Pidgin”
-          Religion (few Muslims and Christians)
-          Music and Dance (Juba).

-          The spirituals reflected the slaves.           

How did the war affect relationships among Americans of different classes, races, and genders?

How did the war affect relationships among Americans of different classes, races, and genders?
This section of the book summarize the effect of the war into five points: Egalitarianism among white men, white women in wartime, revolution for black Americans, Native Americans and the revolution.
Egalitarianism among white men is increased in late 1760s.  The officers in that time were forcing to respect all the ordinary people serving as privates which was the beginning of the equality between white people.  They had to apply the declaration of independence “all men are created equal”” Boyer page 130”. Also, when the soldiers came from the war, “they retained their sense of self-esteem and insisted on respectful treatment by elites”. ”” Boyer,130”. So the war had a good influence in the community to respect them more.
White women also cooperated men in the war. Many of the women left their home and went to the war to support the men in the war. They had variety of jobs during the war such as cooking, laundering, and nursing. Moreover, some of women considered themselves as men joined the fighting.  However, some of married women stated in their home to manage and take care of their family.
Revolution for black Americans stated in that time when they did grate job during the war. The population of black Americans were half million which 20 percent of the total population. The war gave them a good opportunity which they did great. After the war begun what they called “the antislavery movement” which Northern states were the first states end the slavery.  

Native Americans adopted some of European culture and aspect into their live such as goods of cloth, and metal. Also, they participated in the American economy by working for wage or selling food. So, the Native Americans had to leave some of their culture in order to be adapt in that time. 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Federalist Papers: No. 10

This article defined faction as sub-group of people who have ideas, passions, or beliefs and trying their best to achieve it. Then Madison goes deeper to explain how faction might effect negatively on government or society. He mentioned there are two ways to deal with “by removing its causes; the other, by controlling its effects” Madison, The Federalist Papers”. Then he explained more on “removing” and it could be by destroy the liberty or give the equalities for every citizen. I disagree with destroy the liberty because America known as liberty land so, it can’t be separated.
Moreover, Madison defined a democracy and a republic and distinguish between them. Democracy” a society consisting of a small number of citizens, who assemble and administer the government in person, can admit of no cure for the mischiefs of faction.” Madison, The Federalist Papers”. Democracy gives the citizen the right to choose who going to represent them in the government. Republic” a government in which the scheme of representation takes place, opens a different prospect, and promises the cure for which we are seeking.”.” Madison, The Federalist Papers”. In republic, the government selects its leaders depend on the law which doesn’t give the citizen the opportunity to participate.

I will write about causes and effects of faction and how to deal with it.

Friday, October 3, 2014

How did Britain and its colonies view their joint victory over France in the Seven Years' War?

Seven Years’ War” Major French-British conflict known in North America as the French and Indian War” ” Boyer page 92”. Both Britain and France did emerged from king George’s wars so each one prepared for another war. France decided to regain control of Virginia and Pennsylvania Indian trade, Virginian sent George to demand that the French abandon their forts. Then, French decided to go back to their homes again. “France and Britain remained at peace in Europe until 1756, Washington’s clash with the French had created a virtual state of war in North America””Boyer page 93”. In 1754 Britain dispatch General Edward Braddock and some regulars to take Fort Duquesne. Then, there was fight which ended up with nine hundred soldiers and colonists died including the General.

In the Treaty of Paris of 1763, France give up all its territories on the North American. After that, French colonists from Quebec to Louisiana became British or Spanish citizens. They called the end of French in North America (1760-1763). Also, that led to increase of Spain land size and became Spain’s New World Empire. British victory over the French was useful for increase their land size and citizens. However, the worse victory was drove the British debt even higher during spending a lot of money on wars. So, British stopped distributing food and ammunition to their Indian allies and it led to fear and wars. Moreover, British government sent many regulars troop to occupy the lands that France had ceded to intimidate the Indians.  

How did politics, the Enlightenment, and religious movements shape public life in the colonies?

“England’s new Bill of Rights was the foundation of government and politics in the colonies.” Boyer page84”. In most colonies, they stated to choose colonial governors and they named a council or upper legislative house. At the beginning, governors and councils drafted laws and they should followed. Then, their job become as Parliament’s House of Commons which represented the people and defended their rights. “Britain’s lack of interest in colonial politics allowed the assemblies to take considerable power”.” Boyer page84”. The lack of interest in colonial politics led to each colonies to become self-governing. The main purpose of self-governing to become more independent which each one regulate trade and printing money. Governors chose some people to serve on councils and as judges in highest courts. The people had the right to vote for the representatives. The vote was for male but all excluded women, black, and Indians from voting. Moreover, in some colonies, voters had to own land in order to vote.
“Enlightenment ideals combined confidence in reason with skepticism about beliefs not based on science or logic”. ” Boyer page84”. It was focusing on rationalism not religious or traditional social. The enlightenment touched most colonists’ belief and influenced them. When the Great Awakening came up, it changed some the Enlightenment’s basic assumptions. It gave women prominence place in colonial religion. Women had right to vote and speak in church meetings and a good example was Anne Hutchinson. Moreover, it gave opportunity to slaves to come to theses meeting. I think the Great Awakening changed the people view of women and slaves, and considered them as big part of the society. 

Why and how did plantation agriculture shape slavery in the Caribbean and Carolina?

French and the English were using slave labor to produce sugar on large plantations in 1640s. After many English islanders left to Chesapeake and Carolina, slavery moved with them. Tobacco was the dominant crop at that time in the English West Indies and Virginia.  Because It requiring few labors and effort to produce it.  When sugar came up, it changed economy and society too. Producing sugar need triple the labor force of tobacco. So, they replaced the African slaves to white servants. “Most planters preferred black slaves to white servants because they could be driven harder and maintained more cheaply” Boyer page55”. I think the history repeat itself, nowadays we prefer some nationalities than other because they are chapter or work hard. Since producing sugar need more labors, the slave increased from 40,000 to 130,000 in 1713.

In 1690 the southern Carolinians found rice and planters tried to compete the Caribbean sugar planters.  White servants did not survive in the humid rice because it has malaria-carrying mosquitoes. Planters imported many African slaves because the shortage of slaves.  There are many two reasons of importing African slaves. First, they had some experience of raising the rice. Secondly, African were immune to malaria and other diseases so they wouldn’t get sick. Importing African salves helped rising the rice in Carolina.  The number of slaves increased form 17 percent in 1680 to 67 percent in 1720 which let whites relied on force and fear to control their slaves. “In 1696 Carolina adopted the galling restrictions and gruesome punishments of the Barbados slave code” Boyer page55”. After this huge number of salves, planters started to follow punishments way to control them.  

African and European Backgrounds

What major change were reshaping the African and European worlds in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries?
               In West African was kinship group knit societies together which was similar to the Native American. “The enslaved Africans to endure the breakup of nuclear families by sale” ” Boyer page18”. Since children was a part of slavery they let men married many wives in order to have many slave.  Moreover, African is rain forest which means most of people are farmer.  So, they took some farmers to made clothing and jewelry instead of farming. African people “believed that another world lay beyond the one they perceived” ” Boyer page18”. Also, they considered using cast iron or ivory in their ceremonies as honoring spirits. They have special event which they dance with ritual masks.

              European culture and society has influenced by Renaissance which rebirth of classical Greek and roman culture. European’s status was classified into gender, wealth, inherited position and political which affected to everyone.  It noticed in that time there 70-80 percent of Europeans were peasant which they couldn’t afford basic needs. It led to joint-stock company which a good step by the sixteenth century. Furthermore, in sixteenth and seventeen every member in the family has specific role.  Father deal with supreme authority and wife’s job was to take care of children and assist her husband. Children was labor at that time. Europe has many religions such as Christianity, Judaism and Islam. African and European worlds had many changes which helped to reshape both of them.

Monday, September 22, 2014

North American Peoples on the Eve of European Contact

North American Peoples on the Eve of European Contact

What common values did Native American share despite their cast diversity?
Native American lived in North America for thousands of years before the Europeans. They have kept their traditions and their beliefs such as hunting, fishing and religion for a long time. The existence of many diverse languages and dialects started some new nations and tribes.  Even with these new nations and tribes, they have common characteristics. There are many common values in Native American.
Kinship and gender is one of the values that can be seen in all the Native American. They prioritize their ties to cousins, uncles, aunts which they are most part of their kinship. They believe that kinship bounds are more important than bounds with nuclear families. Moreover, in most cultures of the Native Americans, the marriage age is in their teens and they try to be within their extended family. A new husband in some of the Native American societies moved in with his wife’s extended family. Every tribes live in a small village and they have a leader or a chief to govern them and they have to follow him. Both men and women has played a major rule in the Native American societies. Men’s job was focusing on hunt, trade and make tools and weapons. Women’s job was farming, cooking and taking care of children and they shared some of the work.
Spiritual and social values is one of the common principles that Native American societies shared. They believe that there are two ways to access the spiritual world, either in sleep or by using physical ordeals to alter their consciousness. They believe that Young men become adult when “through a vision quest—a solitary venture that entailed fasting and waiting for the appearance of a spirit that would endow them with special powers”” Boyer page14”. On the girls’ side “Girls went through comparable rituals at the onset of menstruation, to initiate them into the spiritual world from which female reproductive power flowed”” Boyer page14”. The natives, despite being divided into many cultures, sub cultures and different societies, they all shared some common values and practices with slight different methods of applications.
I found a good article and video  about the Native American